heheh counter ni sama lak ngan birth year jijah ... dah tua tak sadar diri lagi ekk .. huhuuuu ....
ciss ...tetiba teringat pada x Jijah yg telah 5 tahun hilang di telan Bermuda Triangle ..ada ke patut dia leh sound jijah >> Masih active berchatting lagi yer .. (ewahh ewahhh sesedap raser dia jer ... ikut suka jijah lerr) .. yg dia lak apahal ?? dah ilang 5 thn secara tiba tiba .. takkan nak baik baik semula kot ?? (huhuuuu no way mann ... mana dia gf yg ko tergila-gila dulu?? kejar la lagi ....) .. huhuu dah lee ilang ..alih alih muncul macam nak cari pasal jerr ?? hehehe
anyway ... kalo dia sekadar nak tau Jijah happy ke tidak lepas dia ilang dulu .... I feel great n even better than before ... (i never feel sad more than 3 days n i never give up on everything) ... haha ... nyanyi sket
>> i feel good ... nenenenenet .....

James Brown
Whoa-oa-oa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
So good, so good, I got you
Whoa! I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you
{ sax, two licks to bridge }
When I hold you in my arms
I know that I can't do no wrong
and when I hold you in my arms
My love won't do you no harm
and I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you
{ sax, two licks to bridge }
When I hold you in my arms
I know that I can't do no wrong
and when I hold you in my arms
My love can't do me no harm
and I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you
Whoa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would
So good, so good, I got you
So good, so good, I got you
So good, so good, I got you
moral of the story > if u want other people to salute u ... u have to salute other first .. the way u act on people .. is the way other people act to u ... its sooo simple babeh ...
~ It'S OnLy Me ~
2 ulasan:
happy jek nampak..~`
happy jek always Daud .. kena happy selalu .. kalau asyik murmg jek .. leh mati cepat ... hehehhe
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