Tadi pagi sementara dok tunggu kenderaan.. Aku masuk kedai jual pakaian.. Ramah juga org swak ni .. Memana aku jalan.. Org senyum je. Tak tau laa senyum nengok aku yg menggebu ke atau tidak.. Tapi senyum yg biasa saja.. Ikhlas. Senang sekali. Masa sampai dewan petang semalam.. Peserta plf baru turun dewan.. Aku lak baru nak naik ke dewan.. Sempat lagi makcik ni usap aku... Mmm mesti dia tak pernah nengok org yg sihat mcm aku. Hehehe... Sama macam kalau balik kampung ibu.. Ada je yg suka usap n massaj aku..geramm. "Sik ada hal"....
Ooo ye.. Makcik makcik ni semua peserta dewasa yg baru lulus 3M. Menulis membaca n menulis. Happy ja semua... Harapnya pelajaran yg diterima boleh di praktik n boleh bantu dorang memperbaiki taraf hidup semua...
Hari ni program sampai malam.. Siang pagi ni dimulai dengan senamrobik. Then cari harta karun.. Then ptg ni ada pertandingan utk makcik n pakcik ni. Malam adalah majlis penutup. Penyampaian sijil tamat kelas.
Esok bertolak balik ke kuching. On the way akan singgah ke kawasan maybe pusat sumber utk pemantauan. Hope semua ok.
Smlm kerazz... Letak kepala kat beg travel.. Terus padam.. Tak selimut pun... Pagi sejuk beku.. Kerazz .. Heheh... Skang ni kat dewan mrsm betong.. Banyak lagi menda dorang tengah settle. Aku... Rehat sebentar bersama 3G. Gambar akan dimasukkan kemudian ya... Cau cin cauuu...
~ It'S OnLy Me ~
4 ulasan:
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Having seen a good buddie going trough a tough period due to a disease caused from smoking I made it my own mission to spare as much other folks as is possible from the very same experience, however quickly I realized that regardless how great your arguments are it is actually very hard to have a smoker give up smoking cigarettes, not because the actual arguments aren't good enough and not because the smoker is not willing to stop but merely because smoking is really a more addictive drug than heroin as well as cocaine (scientifically proven).
Next , I learned that there is in reality a way to quit smoking without giving up smoking, therefore give the smoker their pleasure and habit but save him or her from the harmful effects of cigarettes.
The Things I am talking about are electronic cigarettes. Read about most of the negative effects connected with smoking cigarettes and how a [url=http://electroniccigarette0.com/]electronic cigarette[/url] could help you quite cigarettes or simply allow you to follow your habit and get the kick without the harmful side effects of smoking on my website http://electroniccigarette0.com
P.S. I really hope this will not get removed because of having a link to my web page as I just attempt to inform and help.
Might God bless everybody
Chrissy M.
When I saw your page was like wow. Thanks for putting your effort in making this site.
Hello. And Bye.
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